cif_dict_struct Struct Reference

#include <redchi.h>

Detailed Description

hash data for the dict_ entries in options_struct

Data Fields

gint type
 type of entry (enum from cif_lib.h)
gint * nref
 number of references to this structure (for memory deallocation)
GPtrArray * info
GRelation * data
gchar * mod
 is there a mod that needs to be applied?
gboolean read_in
 have we actually read in the dictionary?

Field Documentation

descriptor of the dictionary arranged by enumerations from cif_lib.h

mods/restraints for this dictionary: relation of restraint enumerations and cif_restraint_struct

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Fri Aug 29 17:24:13 2008 for redchi by  doxygen 1.5.6